
Artist:Marty Gramz

Article written by: Sophisticated poverty media management


The streets of South Jamaica Queens are buzzing with the latest heat from Marty Gramz, and boi , let me tell you, it’s straight 🔥! This ain’t just any rap, it’s a masterpiece that’s got everyone talking. The title? “O’Really!” And oh boy, does it live up to its name.

Shootica New York

Marty Gramz ain’t just spitting bars; he’s weaving stories with a flow so slick, it’s like he’s painting pictures with words. This track? It’s like a journey through the streets, but with a twist that’s so raw and real, you can’t help but feel it in your bones. And the video? Child, it’s a whole mood! It’s like he’s taken the essence of the streets, the raw energy, and the hustle, and turned it into a visual feast that’s as captivating as it is real.


Top5 DOA

But wait, it ain’t all about the rough edges. There’s a depth to his lyrics, a reflection of life’s harsh realities that hits you right in the feels. He ain’t just rapping; he’s storytelling, and every word, every beat, is a piece of a puzzle that fits together into this beautiful, gritty picture of life as he sees

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